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At Cleveland Clinic Canada in Toronto, we specialize in a number of different medical programs and services. Patients benefit from access to dozens of leading Canadian physicians, specialists and wellness providers.

Toronto Medical Programs at Cleveland Clinic Canada

Bariatric: Weight loss programs to address obesity.

Colorectal cancer risk reduction: Colon cancer screening and colonoscopy

Lifestyle Management: Our caring team supports individuals through a customized, 12 week clinical wellness program to help them optimize their lifestyle. This allows patients to minimize or eliminate health risks, and to prevent numerous future health risks.

Executive Health: We combine world class wellness services with clinical excellence , so individuals always get the most comprehensive health assessment possible.

Toronto Medical Services

Cardiology: Cardiac testing and assessments.

Chiropractic care

Nutrition: Weight management, diet planning and more.

Gastroenterology: Digestive health and diseases.



Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer screening and non-invasive treatment.

Psychology: Counselling for anxiety, depression, trauma and more.

Sports Health: We maximize sports performance for both recreational and professional athletes. Our team of sports medicine specialists, exercise physiologists, chiropractors, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, and dietitians are available for on-site consultations and treatment.

All of the Toronto medical programs and services we offer follow the strictes protocols set by Cleveland Clinic Canada and current Canadian guidelines. Patients can feel confident knowing they are getting the highest level of care at Cleveland Clinic Canada in Toronto.

Cleveland Clinic Canada Practitioners