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Changeways Clinic develops and implements evidence-based and user-friendly therapy resources. Our goal is to provide timely and effective psychological services, and to help other mental health providers do the same.
We offer research-informed psychotherapy to the general public, specializing in service for people with mood and anxiety related difficulties, and those adjusting to or contemplating major life transitions. We also offer personal coaching services to those wishing to define and more effectively work toward life goals.
Changeways Clinic provides continuing education workshops for healthcare professionals on the nature and use of evidence-based therapy strategies. We have programs on the treatment of depression and the anxiety disorders, and programs on therapeutic skills useful for various client populations. Our depression treatment protocols are among the most widely used in Canada, and have been exported to China, Australia, Great Britain, and the United States.
Changeways Clinic also offers a range of therapy-related products based on our treatment protocols and resources. These can be purchased from this website.
Whether you are a member of the public, a healthcare professional, or a student, our aim is to provide timely and useful psychological services.