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A bioequivalence study is a study conducted to show those two different drugs, or two different dosages of the same drug. It absorbed in the same way and produces the same effect on the required site. For general medicinal products, the concept of bioequivalence is important because bioequivalence with the (original) reference medicinal product must be confirmed before a basic product can be approved. Regulatory authorities charge bioequivalence by considering two standards: the speed of absorption and the extent of absorption. If one or both parameters are different in the formulation of a drug, the authorities will determine that the drug is not bioequivalent to the product of origin.

Naturopathic Doctors address the underlying cause of your health issue. ND's at Balance treat all conditions and all ages. They use lifestyle changes, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and herbs to assist the body in healing. Naturopathic Doctors educate their patients so they can better understand their body. The ND's at Balance empower their patients to improve their health and make informed choices about their health care. While any person can benefit from naturopathic medicine, specific concerns may include digestive complaints, arthritis, heart disease, anxiety, depression, cancer, insomnia, low energy and chronic pain. Naturopathic Doctors use safe, effective, and researched therpies to treat the body.

At Balance, the Naturopathic Doctors each have extensive training in IV (intravenous) therapy and chelation, offering patients the most cutting edge treatments for heart disease, cancer, immune suppression, and heavy metal toxicity.

Naturopathic doctors at Balance believe that naturopathic medicine plays a vital role in reaching your optimal health.

Each of the Naturopathic Doctors at Balance are members of the Canadian and Nova Scotia Associations of Naturopathic Doctors CAND and the NSAND.

New Patients

New patients must fill out an Intake Form before their scheduled appointment time. Please have your forms to Balance 48 hours before your appointment. If your forms are not received 48 hours prior to your Naturopathic visit the doctors may need to use part of your visit to look over your health history form. This will shorten you the length of your visit.

Bring in a copy of any bloodwork you have received within the last 6 months and send it to Balance with your intake form. You can mail, email or fax your form to us. We greatly appreciate when we receive bloodwork and your intake form prior to your visit.

We need 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appt to avoid a cancellation fee which is the cost of the visit. This is enables us to offer another patient that visit time. Thank you for your understanding.

You can get a copy of the form for printing:

If you would like to email your forms, please click here:
If you would like to fax your forms, fax them to 425-6090.

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Trigger Points: Diagnosis and Management
Tablets vs. Capsules
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Understanding Stress
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