Aylmer-Must Health Care Services
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A parent or loved one has lost some mobility and autonomy and is perhaps suffering from a chronic physical or neurological condition. They want to remain at home but their security and well-being is in doubt. We understand. Throughout the past 25 years we have provided over 3 million hours of quality care to Montrealers. Whether family is across town or in a different time zone, we’re always here, ensuring that proper care and nutrition, stimulation, comfort and security are provided in an organized and consistent manner.

Hospital & Post-Op Care:

The wait is over, the procedure is scheduled and you want to ensure that the proper level of care is in place to guarantee the best possible recovery. We manage cases like this every day; from providing a caregiver bedside in the hospital to the transfer home and throughout the recovery period or until the patient is placed in a Rehabilitation Facility.

Cancer Care:
We have built a team of specialized caregivers trained in cancer related anaemia and fatigue, symptom & pain management and palliative care; all guided by a Clinical Nurse Specialist M.A. with over 20 years experience in oncology and related fields.

Palliative Care:
Everything is changing: body, mind and spirit. Ability and relationships. We understand and we’re here to help. This is special work requiring talented, caring and experienced caregivers and allows the patient to live out their time in comfort and with dignity in their own home.

Dementia (including Alzheimer disease):

“People will forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Our specialist caregivers have received certification from The Alzheimer Society in ways to create safe, structured and predictable in-home environments and to provide stimulation through meaningful activities.

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