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Dr. Karen Nordahl

Dr. Karen Nordahl

MD, Family Practise
Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

Can exercise during pregnancy induce labour prematurely?


If you are prone to premature labor, it is important that you either cut back or reduce your exercise program in your third trimester. If you are in your third trimester of pregnancy and your pregnancy is progressing absolutely normally and well, it is completely fine to continue on with your exercise program.

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Can Exercise Induce Premature Labour?

Dr. John Watterson

Dr. John Watterson

Victoria, BC

How is polymyalgia rheumatica diagnosed?


Polymyalgia rheumatica is diagnosed through considering the symptoms a person presents with, particularly sudden onset of stiffness which makes getting out of bed or off a chair difficult. A blood test may be used to look for markers of inflammation, and sometimes a trial treatment with medication is given to see if the symptoms resolve.

man grief

Symptoms of Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Lori Berard

Lori Berard

RN, CDE, Diabetes Educator, Nurse Consultant
Winnipeg, MB

How does a blood glucose meter work?


There are several brands and designs for home blood sugar monitors, but the majority of them work in the same way. You have a test strip, you put a drop of your blood on the strip and then stick the strip into the monitoring device. It was take a moment and then display your blood sugar reading. You can ask your doctor, or even your pharmacist, about the best blood glucose monitor for you.

glucose monitors

What Blood Glucose Meters Are Available?

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