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Dr. Dean Johnston

Dr. Dean Johnston

Vancouver, BC

What is the connection between atrial fibrillation and stroke?


Atrial fibrillation is considered a big risk factor for strokes. With atrial fibrillation, a person's chance of stroke is 5 times higher due to the blood pooling that happens in the heart with atrial fibrillation. This pooling allows the blood to potentially form clots which get released in the bloodstream and can cause a stroke. 


What Medications are Right for Stroke Patients

Dr. Pamela Squire

Dr. Pamela Squire

Pain Expert
Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

What is chronic pain?


Chronic pain is a fairly subjective type of pain. The loose definition of chronic pain is pain that has lasted for longer than three months, and often people find that their pain is interfering with their regular lifestyle and daily activities. If you think you might have chronic pain, you should speak with your doctor about your symptoms.

happy nurse

What is Chronic Pain?

Dr. Alastair Younger

Dr. Alastair Younger

MB, Ch.B, M.Sc, Ch.M, F.R.C.S.(C), Foot and Ankle
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Vancouver, BC

What is ankle fusing?


Ankle fusion surgery involves taking the damaged cartilage out from between the ankle bones and then fusing or joining the bones together. Screws or plates may be used to compress the bones together. This type of surgery is typically used with severe osteoarthritis in the ankle. If you think you may be a candidate for ankle fusing surgery, you should speak with your doctor for more information.

older man with cane

What Are Your Surgery Options for Ankle Arthritis

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