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Dr. Duncan Miller

Dr. Duncan Miller

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

How is dementia diagnosed?


If your doctor is screening you for dementia, they may order some blood work and give you some tests which look for cognitive changes (changes in your mental processing of information coming in to your brain). You may also be sent for image testing of your brain, like with a CAT scan or an MRI.

dementia diagnosis

Dementia Diagnosis

Dr. Daniel Ngui

Dr. Daniel Ngui

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

What is the treatment for shingles?


If you have been diagnosed with shingles, you may be prescribed a course of anti-viral medications. There are cases of shingles in which the eye may be involved, and in that case your doctor might refer you to an opthamologist. There are complications which may happen if shingles are left untreated, so it is essential that you see your doctor if you notice the symptoms so you can get the proper treatment.

man back pain

How Do You Diagnose Shingles?

Dr. Jan Peter Dank

Dr. Jan Peter Dank

Bellingham, WA

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?


Psoriasis is usually recognized by changes to the skin, which can include patches of thick, white scaly skin. Often times, these patches burn or are accompanied by itchiness. Common areas these patches show up on the body include the knees, elbows, back, and the buttocks; however, psoriasis can also affect folds in the body (i.e., the armpits) or the scalp. If you think you may have psoriasis you can visit your family doctor to have your skin assessed.

psoriasis on arm

What is Psoriasis? and How Does it Effect You

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